Types of Spirits that Loved Ones May Become

Types of Spirits that Loved Ones May Become

Types of Spirits that Loved Ones May BecomeExistence continues in a cyclical manner from birth to life and transitioning into a realm known as death. This final transition into the unseen is unsettling for most, but no one will be able to avoid it. If you visit a psychic to contact a loved one who has passed on you may be wondering what they will be like or what form is being taken.

There are four main types of spirits that deceased loved ones take on:

  • Newly Transitioned
  • Aware Ones
  • Angelics
  • Returning Ones

Newly Transitioned

Those who are newly transitioned often stay close to a specific location or person. Animals often sense these types of spiritual beings. The spirits state of awareness can change how they connect to others.

Aware Ones

These are spirits who are aware they have transitioned and can present with a guide. These are the easiest to connect with, though if they are with a guide, the guide should be spoken to first.


Angelics are confident and often accomplished. Due to power, they can intercede in earthly affairs. They also hold the ability to prevent tragedy in many cases.

Returning Ones

Returning ones are the spirits ready to reincarnate. They pose a challenge to connection because of this. When a spirit cannot be contacted, remember death is not permanent, just different. The bond we hold with the departed will not end so we never truly have to say goodbye.