5 Important Tips Before Consulting a Psychic

 If you are interested in having a reading, this will help you understand the things that honest and ethical intuitive readers and spiritual mediums do.  This will not only help you avoid getting scammed, it will also help you get a session that is beneficial.

Here are some important tips about psychics and the psychic reading experience to make sure you have the most positive, beneficial, and empowering experience possible. 

tarot-reader1. The definition of a good psychic reading is an experience that exhibits the following things:

  • It provides the client intuitive, accurate insights combined with practical advice and guidance
  • It cultivates faith and inspiration from you
  • It inspires self-examination and self-awareness
  • It takes into account your own abilities and special gifts
  • It respects your free will

2. The best way to define psychic ability: 

The first part of understanding psychic abilities is understanding intuition. Known commonly as an instinct or gut reaction, intuition is often more accurate than many realize. Everyone has intuition, but not everyone’s intuition is as developed or trained as others’.

Put simply, psychic ability is the refined use of intuition. It is more active and precise. Psychic insight requires you to focus your intuition without the distraction of random thoughts. This requires practice, trust and, very often, training.

3. How to tell a real psychic from a scam artist: 

download (3)When you speak to a psychic for the first time, be aware that a real, professional psychic will not ask you for anything other than your name, your date of birth, and your question. They may ask for names of places or people you refer to and their dates of birth, but that will be it. If you want to tell them more, that is okay, but if you find a psychic trying to pump more and more information out of you than the basics we mention above, be aware that they are not a legitimate psychic and their intentions are not honest.

4. So, should I test a psychic if I speak to one? 

Simply put, no, you shouldn’t. Another misconception that plays a big role in the psychic reading experiencing is going into a reading with negative intentions. If you’re not open to the possibilities of expanding your horizons and spiritual capabilities, then it may not be a good idea to get a psychic reading. Testing a psychic is a bad idea for several reasons, including you’ve already put a negative intent on the experience prior to going into it. If you’re trying to ‘stump’ the psychic, you’re only going to block your own reading. A psychic reading is an intimate and divine interaction between two people. It requires a healthy atmosphere of love, trust, mutual respect, and sharing.

5. Keep an eye out for: 

  • download (4)Any psychic claiming they see a problem or curse around you that can be fixed or cured for a price. There are no such things are curses, by the way.
  • Any psychic who needs you to pay them in order to clear or unblock your aura or chakras
  • Any psychic claiming you need to buy an expensive item like a crystal, stone, or candle
  • Any psychic who claims to be 100% accurate

Never forget that a good, professional, and honest reader will be absolutely honest with you and tell you what they can and can’t do. They will do their best using their unique psychic capabilities to give you an honest reading, sharing with you any truths that they see for you. A professional psychic will always honor and respect you as well as your privacy, and recognize the bond and sacredness in the exchange between you two. Do your own research and find a psychic that’s right for you and your needs!