Surrendering to the Universe’s Divine Timing

Surrendering to the Universe’s Divine Timing

Surrendering to the Universe’s Divine TimingDivine timing is the belief that you are just where you should be, and everything in your life happens at just the right time, as the Universe manifests your goals. Simply put, this means that people can’t control time, and we can’t force things to happen when we want them to. This may seem harsh, so it’s very important to understand that the Universe wants nothing but good things for us. We must simply trust and believe that everything happens and falls into place when the Universe deems that the time is right.

Relationships and Divine Timing

One of the most common questions people ask a psychic is, “When?” This is especially true when the topic at hand involves reuniting people, developing relationships, or waiting for your true love to come into your life. It’s always thrilling and exciting, but it sometimes may feel as though it won’t ever happen. It will—all you need to do is keep your faith and have confidence!

The Universe desires nothing but good things for us and wants us to be happy. If an obstacle is keeping you apart from your true love, then it’s simply the wrong time. Coming together if it’s not the right time will not end well. If your true love must learn a lesson in life before connecting with you but they’re kept from learning that lesson, the result will be heartache and other major problems.

Free Will vs. Fate

Free will and fate go hand-in-hand. Historical events have occurred exactly how and when the Universe’s divine timing determined that they must. But within that framework of fated events, people have free will to make choices and decisions. As we exercise our free will, we must understand that we only have control over how we act and react. We must accept the fact that we have no control over how other people act and react.

Divine timing is complex. It can involve feelings of a lack of control over your life. Here are four tips to help you learn to surrender to the wisdom of the Universe’s divine timing. This will help you live for the here and now, and feel excited about things to come.

  1. Be patient.

Patience is important, but it can be difficult to learn. It doesn’t come easily to most people. So, examine your attitude toward patience. Do you lack patience because you fear releasing your control? To let go of the need to control, you must be patient. It takes time to develop trust and faith that the Universe supplies everything you need when you need it. Reflecting on your feelings and your drive to quickly meet your needs can increase your level of patience. This will let you release your need to control, build your trust and faith, and surrender to the wisdom of the Universe’s divine timing.

  1. Release the past.

Let go of your past, so you can enthusiastically embrace your future. Divine timing operates in the realm of possibilities. You can exist there, too, when you learn to accept that things always change. Don’t cling to the way things were. Open up your heart to the possibilities of the way things could be!

  1. Embrace the uncertainties.

While learning to accept the goodness of divine timing, you need to pay close attention to areas of uncertainty in your life that are causing you to experience intense negative emotions or feelings. This process requires profound levels of self-examination, so the Universe may be helping you by pointing these things out to you. Don’t run away from or dismiss these feelings. This is the perfect time to face them.

  1. Be kind to yourself.

Tread gently and carefully through these intense emotions. If they’re so uncomfortable that you feel you can’t deal with them by yourself, seek help. Consciously choosing to ignore these emotions will only serve to delay your ability to accept the Universe’s process of divine timing.

While walking on your life’s path, be prepared to accept new ideas and directions ordained by divine timing. The Universe has plans of its own, so even the best things in life may arrive unexpectedly.