Tips on how to choose the right psychic medium


There are various websites offers hundreds of psychic names, some of them are very famous psychics. But, some people who are seeking a psychic advice can’t afford the cost of a famous psychic. Therefore, we give you some useful tips on how to choose the right psychic medium.

Let’s get started!

Trust other people experience

When you buy any product online, the first thing you do is to have a look at the reviews to take advantage of other people experiences. That’s what reviews have been made for.

And the more good the reviews are, the much better the psychic is. But, sometimes these reviews can’t be trusted, as probably they are fake reviews. In this case, the client (you) is not able to count a lot on reviews and need to count more on another trusted source!

Another option to consider is relying on a friend’s recommendation. Referrals have always been a good source, but before taking your friend’s opinion into account, you both need to have things in common, almost the same taste, thoughts, and points of views. Because you may trust your friend but not his or her opinions.

Listen to your feelings

Feelings have always been a very important factor. So, it’s very important to listen to your feelings, when it comes to choosing a psychic medium. Do you feel comfortable? It’s normal to feel a bit nervous before a psychic reading, but you should not feel negative or uncomfortable and if you do, my advice to you is to stay away.

Overspending doesn’t necessarily mean a higher quality

Psychic mediums’ prices vary for readings. Some psychics charge you $25 for a reading, others will charge you $400.

For some reason, it has always been believed that pricy services are necessarily better quality. I assure you that this is a completely wrong belief!

I know a lot of people who had great readings from very affordable psychic mediums who charged very small reading fees, so, you still have a good chance to find a good psychic, even if you can’t afford a high-priced reading with a well-known psychic medium. Besides, if you are too stressed about the high fee of your psychic, your stress will prevent you from enjoying the reading and could affect the results too.

Consider Spiritualist churches

Many Spiritualist churches offer a Mediums Day a few times a year where you can go and get free or very affordable readings from psychic mediums associated with the church, just Google “Spiritualist Church near me” to find one in your area.

Do not discount a phone reading

It has always been believed that in person psychics readings are much better than phone psychic readings. However many experts agree that psychic readings by phone are equally as good as in-person readings.

Plus, it is easier for the psychic to focus more on the phone because they are not distracted by the person in front of them. The less distractions there are the more focused the psychic is, and the better the reading will be.

Online research can be very helpful

I respect people who conduct a fast online research before making their final decision.  Internet is a grace when we know how to benefit from it. Imagine, how life was without internet? I believe that Internet is very strong resource to find information. So, before you make your decision about which psychic to choose, do a quick online research. Check the psychic’s website and make sure it looks like a professional website not a free website which looks unprofessional and fake.

Check if the website has a photo and contact details for the psychic to be able to connect to them directly. Their phone number, email, and office for in-person readings.

Also search for links to articles about psychic mediums which were written professionally. You can also, look for inks to their FaceBook page, Twitter or Instagram account to view the customers’ testimonials and comments on social media channels.

You also need to see if the psychic medium has any professional videos, or an interview with one of local TV channels.

The last thing you need to search for is what kind of service they provide, and what are their readings’ fees?

Google the psychic’s name along with the word psychic medium to see if is there any other websites or additional information about them.

A psychic medium and not only a psychic

Focus on finding a psychic medium not only a psychic. A mediumship is a spirit connection. A psychic medium will help you connect with your loved ones and will read their messages for you.

Psychics get information from energy surrounding your personal aura. Psychics are helpful with guidance around personal issues such as relationships, finances, career, physical or emotional issues, and they also offer predictions. Psychics also read Tarot cards, Chrystal ball, and I Ching.

Therefore, psychics tend to read messages from energy and the Universe, unlikepsychic mediums who tend to read messages coming from spirit.