Everything around you is made up of energy, especially you. This means that energy is always getting picked up from the places that you are and from the things that you feel. You can pick up both negative and positive energies in the world around you.
Understanding the Aura
Since everything is made up of energy, it is something that will light up around you. When you meet people for the first time, or even over and over again, you will pick up their energies. This is energy from the aura.
Each person has their own energy field, or aura, and it has energy that is full of colors. These are your colors, and they are based around the energy that you have or based around your mood. The color of your aura can change from time to time depending on what your mood is.
If you have recently went through your awakening, you might have an aura that is changed because of the experiences that you went through. Or, if you have gone through the death of someone that you love, your aura will be different then as well.
Your aura color will change because of the different things that happen to you and the different things that you experience. The interesting thing is that your eyes can see the aura, and this can happen for you if you develop this psychic gift.
Seeing Your Aura
There are different ways that people will do things to try and see their aura and some are more effective than others. This will depend on you and how well you are able to pick things up around you.
One way that you can see your aura is to put your hand against a white wall. This wall has to be white in order to be able to see the colors that your aura has. Make sure that your fingers are all spread out and then look between your first finger and your thumb. Let your eyes get blurry or unfocused and you should start to see colors outlining around your hand. The color that you see is what color that your aura is.
Mirror Technique
Another way to see your aura is to put a mirror in front of a white wall. Stare at the wall and let your eyes become unfocused. Look through your peripheral vision and see if you see a color that outlines your body. Don’t look right at your aura because this will cause it to disappear.
You can use either of these ways to see your aura color or you can figure out your own technique. Some people are able to get this right away while other people aren’t able to pick up on their aura so fast. Keep practicing and don’t give up and you will see the colors that surround your being.
Colors and Auras
Auras are made up of colors and each color has a different meaning. They work with your chakras, and you can tell if your chakra is balanced or not by how colorful or how bright your aura is or isn’t.
Blue, for example, is representative of the throat chakra. This is the place where your communication works well. If your aura color is blue and is bright, your aura is probably strong.
Pink or green work with the heart chakra. If you have went through heartbreak recently then your aura might be faded or might be dull. This can mean that your heart chakra needs to be balanced.
Final Thoughts
Your aura can tell a lot about what you are feeling and who you are. Practice seeing the colors of your aura so that you can be sure to keep your mind, body, and soul on the right track.
While the idea of seeing one’s aura is certainly interesting, I challenge the notion that everyone can do it easily or that it holds true meaning. Isn’t it more likely that it’s just optical illusions? We should remain skeptical before fully embracing such concepts.
I absolutely loved this article! It’s amazing to think about how our energies and auras reflect our moods and experiences. The exercises to see our auras are so interesting, and I can’t wait to try them out!
‘Just look at your hand against a white wall!’ They say. Sure, next thing you know, I’ll be trying to see my aura while tripping over my cat! Maybe I’ll just stick with normal wall art instead.
This article provides an intriguing perspective on energy and auras. The connection between emotions and colors is fascinating, particularly how they relate to chakras. It could be beneficial for those exploring self-awareness and personal growth.
‘Your aura changes based on your mood.’ Well then, mine must be a rainbow after all the pizza I ate last night! Who knew culinary choices could influence my spiritual vibes so dramatically?
‘You can see your aura if you unfocus your eyes.’ Sounds like instructions for an optical illusion at best! At worst? I’ve been staring at walls long enough; I might just need a good optometrist!
Honestly, this is just another attempt to sell us some new-age nonsense. Auras? Really? It sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie. Can we please stick to reality for once?
‘Each color has its meaning.’ This seems pretty basic when we consider psychology and color theory. However, linking colors directly to emotional states in such a mystical way adds an engaging layer that many may find helpful in understanding themselves.