5 Tips Before Getting a Psychic Reading


psychic-readingA powerful psychic reading can be a pretty amazing experience. And we all know that things like the experience and knowledge of the intuitive reader (or medium) can take your reading from drab to fab.  All of us wanted to peak in the future to gain insights for a better life. Psychics offer this possibility, however there are some things to know before making an appointment…

1. Psychics are not always right. Most good psychics will tell you only about 80% (on a good day!) of future predictions will come to pass. Why? Well, I tell my clients, what I am showing you is possibilities – you still have sway over future events both positively and negatively. I like to use future events to empower your life today.

2. Get referrals. I suggest only making appointments with people you have been referred to, researched online or spoken to yourself. Let’s face it, there are scams everywhere – so be smart. Lots of psychics have web sites where you can read about them, styles of intuitive reading(tarot, runes…), articles they’ve written, etc. Discover what resonates with you. This little extra work will pay off in a good reading.

3. Bring specific topics to look into for your appointment. Chances are – the psychic will touch upon your big issues without need of your input. However, I believe each of us gets the reading we “need” instead of maybe the one we “want.” So the psychic may not immediately focus on the topic you desire without guidance from you.

4. Be open. Chances are the psychic will tell you some things you were not expecting, both good and bad. Some of the words will resonate with you at the session while others words will become clear in your mind days, even weeks later. Most psychics offer to record the appointment so you can go back later and listen. Often, as you listen again, you will hear things you missed the first time.

5. Have fun and remember this is information. I have been going to psychics since my early twenties and have been reading for others since 1996. I love psychic readings – however, over the years, I have seen persons who have been completely wrong as well as persons who are on the money nine times out of ten. Use the information gleaned from your session to empower your life, not a crutch to wait for the inevitable outcomes.

Psychic readings can be a powerful tool to transform your life. They offer a chance gain insights, heal old wounds, to begin to live your best life today. May it be so.