Soul Contracts for Finding a Soulmate

Soul Contracts for Finding a Soulmate

Everyone has hoped to find the special person that will bring them happiness and make them complete.  It is hard to understand, but our soulmate is not always there to make us happy but to teach us a life lesson.


A soulmate is a person that has another part of your soul and is waiting to connect with you. They will give you a loving relationship and when you come in contact with them, there will be a strong connection.  They will have energies that match yours and they will spend time with you.  Sometimes, this type of relationship will not be romantic.

The thing is a soulmate does not just happen once.  You will have many soulmates over your lifetime, and it can be your friends or your family.  Before you leave earth, your soulmate will come and will help you to learn a lesson in your life.

A soulmate connection can be a boyfriend or girlfriend and will teach you a lesson about yourself.  They don’t tell you what these relationships are like in the movies and most of the time they do not last, and they will end after you have learned your lesson.  Sometimes one person doesn’t realize that there is a lesson but that is not your responsibility.  You are responsible for learning your lesson and for growing.

Finding a Soulmate

When you look for your perfect match, they probably just won’t show up.  Sometimes a soulmate will come when your soul is ready but most of the time when you don’t expect it.

The best way to call on your soulmate is to work on yourself and learn to grow.  When you grow mentally and spiritually, the universe will be ready to send you the soulmate that you have prepared for.  Be patient and know the right person will come your way.

There are people that will come across many soulmates in their life and there are hard lessons to learn.  Sometimes things will not end well, and you will be heartbroken.  You will spend much time with them and feel that you have a strong connection, but you will only be learning a life lesson from them.  You will know your worth and you will realize that there will be change and that you will have to let this person go at some point.

You cannot change what happens and you have to keep focusing on becoming a better person and working in your life to better who you are.

When you focus on yourself, you will meet your soulmate and you will learn new lessons in your life.  You will grow and have new experiences each time you meet a new soulmate.  You will not ever know what kind of soulmate you will meet next and what kind of connection you will come across.

Sometimes your soulmate will match you perfectly and will connect so strongly that it will seem like you have known them your whole life.  The universe times things perfectly and no relationship will be perfect, even a soulmate one.  Remember that with lessons sometimes comes heartbreak and you will get stronger.


You cannot wait around for your soulmate to come and he or she will not come while you are not working on yourself.  They will not always bring you joy, and pure happiness and many soulmates will come with heartache and pain.  You are the one that controls your own happiness.

You must stay active and continue to work on yourself and growing while you are waiting for your soulmate.  When the time is right, the universe will know that you are ready, and your soulmate will come to you.  Be patient and thankful for each lesson you learn.